To Measure Is To Know

Light Sensors

Light has economic value!

As the driving force for photosynthesis, light is fundamentally important to crop production. Plant growth and development is significantly influenced by both the quantity and the quality of light. Light energy is relevant to other factors too. The ET calculation (evapotranspiration) for irrigation scheduling uses solar radiation as a key variable. Leaf wetness periods or high humidity, which affect disease pressure, can be mitigated with sunny days versus cloudy days. It is essential that growers understand this important variable in order to efficiently produce quality plants.

LightScout Silicon Pyranometer

LightScout Silicon Pyranometer

Measure solar radiation between 300 to 1100 nanometers. Read More

LightScout UV Light Sensor

LightScout UV Light Sensor

Measure UV radiation between 250 to 400 nanometers. Read More

LightScout Quantum PAR Light Sensor

LightScout Quantum PAR Light Sensor

Measure PAR light between 400 to 700 nanometers. Read More

LightScout 3 or 6 Sensor Quantum Bar

LightScout 3 or 6 Sensor Quantum Bar
$335.00 - $399.00

Average PAR readings to minimize the effects of small shadows. Read More

Full Spectrum Quantum PAR Light Sensor

Full Spectrum Quantum PAR Light Sensor

The #3668A provides a full spectral response. It can accurately measure light intensity across the full PAR spectrum – including from LED lights.  Read More